mysql 定时运行

在mysql的安装目录下(D:\service\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin)运行
mysqldump -u root -pmysql -t lvshou-com? booking -w “is_index = 0 and status = 9 and neworderno is not null”? >> MeetAGeek_Orders12.txt
mysqldump -u root -pmysql-t lvshou-com? booking -w “is_index = 1 and status = 9 and ispayment = 1 and neworderno is not null”? >> MeetAGeek_Orders12.txt
mysql -u root -pmysql lvshou-com -e “;delete? FROM booking where is_index = 0 and status = 9 and neworderno is not null; delete FROM booking where is_index = 1 and status = 9 and ispayment = 1 and neworderno is not null; ”
